Adjectives That Start With T

Adjectives Starting with T

List of adjectives that start with T for students and teachers for use in class work or home work.

Adjectives That Start With TA

tabby, taboo, tabu, tabular, tacit, taciturn, tacky, tactful, tactical, tactile, tactless, tactual, tagged, tahitian, tai, tailed, tailless, taillike, tailored, tainted, taiwanese, tajikistani, taken, takeout, taking, talebearing, talented, talentless, taliped, talismanic, talkative, talky, tall, tallish, taloned, tamable, tame, tameable, tamed, tamil, tan, tangential, tangerine, tangible, tangled, tangy, tanned, tannic, tannish, tantalising, tantalizing, tantamount, tantric, tantrik, tanzanian, taoist, taped, tapered, tapering, tapestried, tapped, tardive, tardy, tarry, tarsal, tart, tartarean, tartaric, tasmanian, tasseled, tasselled, tasteful, tasteless, tasty, tatterdemalion, tattered, tattling, tatty, taunting, taupe, taurine, taut, tautologic, tautological, tawdry, tawny, taxable, taxing, taxonomic, taxonomical, taxpaying, , ,

Adjectives That Start With TE

teachable, teal, tearaway, tearful, tearing, tearless, teary, teased, teasing, technical, technological, technophilic, technophobic, techy, tectonic, tedious, teeming, teen, teenage, teenaged, teensy, teentsy, teeny, teetotal, tegular, telegnostic, telegraphic, telemetered, teleological, telepathic, telephonic, telescoped, telescopic, telling, telltale, tellurian, telluric, telocentric, temerarious, temperamental, temperate, tempered, tempering, tempestuous, temporal, temporary, temptable, tempting, ten, tenable, tenacious, tenanted, tendencious, tendentious, tender, tenderhearted, tenderised, tenderized, tending,

 tendinous, tenebrific, tenebrious, tenebrous, tenfold, tenor, tense, tensed, tensile, tensional, tensionless, tentacled, tentacular, tentative, tenth, tenuous, tenured, tepid, teratogenic, terefah, terete, terminable, terminal, terminated, terminative, terminological, ternary, ternate, terpsichorean, terrene, terrestrial, terrible, terrific, terrified, terrifying, territorial, terse, tertian, tertiary, tessellated, testaceous, testamentary, testate, tested, testicular, testimonial, testy, tetanic, tetchy, tethered, tetragonal, tetramerous, tetrametric, tetravalent, teutonic, texan, textbook, textile, textual, textured, , ,

Adjectives That Start With TH

thai, thalamocortical, thalassic, thalloid, thallophytic, thankful, thankless, thawed, theatrical, theban, theist, theistic, theistical, thematic, then, thenal, thenar, theocratic, theological, theoretic, theoretical, theosophical, therapeutic, therapeutical, thermal, thermic, thermionic, thermodynamic, thermodynamical, thermoelectric, thermoelectrical, thermogravimetric, thermohydrometric, thermolabile, thermometric, thermonuclear, thermoplastic, thermoset, thermosetting, thermostatic, thespian, thick, thickened, thickening, thickheaded, thickset, thickspread, thieving, thievish, thin, thinkable, thinking, thinned, third, thirdhand, thirsty, thirteen, thirteenth, thirtieth, thirty, thistlelike, thoracic, thoreauvian, thoriated, thornless, thorny, thorough, thoroughbred,

 thoroughgoing, thoughtful, thoughtless, thousand, thousandth, thracian, threadbare, threaded, threadlike, thready, threatened, threatening, three, threefold, threepenny, threescore, thriftless, thrifty, thrilled, thrillful, thrilling, thriving, throated, throaty, throbbing, thrombosed, thronged, through, throwaway, throwback, thrown, thudding, thumbed, thumping, thundering, thunderous, thunderstruck, thundery, thwarted, thwarting, thwartwise, thyroid, thyroidal, thyrotoxic, , ,

Adjectives That Start With TI

tibetan, tibial, tickling, ticklish, tidal, tiddly, tidy, tied, tiered, tigerish, tight, tightfisted, tightfitting, tightlipped, tiled, tillable, tilled, tilted, timbered, timed, timeless, timely, timeserving, timeworn, timid, timorese, timorous, tined, tingling, tinkling, tinkly, tinned, tinny, tinpot, tinseled, tinselly, tiny, tipped, tippy, tipsy, tiptoe, tiptop, tired, tireless, tiresome, tiring, titanic, titillated, titillating, titled, tittering, titular, titulary, , ,

Adjectives That Start With TO

toadyish, toasted, tobagonian, tod, toed, toeless, together, togged, togolese, toiling, toilsome, token, tokenish, tolerable, tolerant, tomboyish, tomentose, tomentous, tonal, toned, toneless, tongan, tongued, tongueless, tonguelike, tonic, tonsorial, tonsured, toothed, toothless, toothlike, toothsome, toothy, top, topical, topknotted, topless, topmost, topnotch, topographic, topographical, topologic, topological, topped, topping, tops, tormented, torn, toroidal,

 torpid, torrential, torrid, tortious, tortuous, tortured, torturesome, torturing, torturous, torulose, total, totaled, totalistic, totalitarian, totemic, totipotent, tottering, tottery, touchable, touched, touching, touchy, tough, toughened, toupeed, touristed, touristy, tousled, towering, towheaded, toxic, toxicant, toxicologic, toxicological, , ,

Adjectives That Start With TR

trabeate, trabeated, trabecular, trabeculate, traceable, tracheal, trackable, tracked, trackless, tractable, tractile, tractive, trademarked, traditional, traditionalist, traditionalistic, tragic, tragical, tragicomic, tragicomical, trained, traitorous, tralatitious, tramontane, trancelike, tranquil, tranquilising, tranquilizing, tranquillising, tranquillizing, transactinide, transalpine, transatlantic, transcendent, transcendental, transcontinental, transcribed, transcultural, transcutaneous, transdermal, transdermic, transeunt, transferable, transferrable, transfixed, transformable, transformed, transgender, transgendered,

 transient, transistorised, transistorized, transitional, transitive, transitory, translatable, translational, translucent, translunar, translunary, transmissible, transmittable, transmitted, transmontane, transmundane, transmutable, transnational, transoceanic, transonic, transparent, transpiring, transplacental, transplantable, transpolar, transportable, transposable, transposed, transsexual, transuranic, transversal, transverse, transvestic, transvestite, trapezoidal, trapped, trashy, traumatic, travelable, traveled, travelled, traversable, treacherous, treacly, treasonable, treasonous, treasured, treated, treble, treed, treeless, treelike, tref, trembling, tremendous, tremulous, trenchant, trendsetting, trendy, trepid, trespassing, triangular, triangulate, triassic, tribadistic,

 tribal, tributary, tricentenary, tricentennial, trichromatic, trichrome, tricksy, tricky, triclinic, tricolor, tricuspid, tricuspidate, tried, triennial, trifid, trifling, trifoliate, trifoliated, trifoliolate, trig, trigonal, trigonometric, trihydroxy, trilateral, trilingual, trilled, trillion, trillionth, trilobate, trilobated, trilobed, trim, trimmed, trimotored, trinidadian, trinuclear, trinucleate, trinucleated, tripartite, tripinnate, tripinnated, tripinnatifid, triple, triplex, triploid, tripping, triskaidekaphobic, tritanopic, trite, triumphal, triumphant, triune, trivalent, trivial, trochaic, trojan, trophic, trophoblastic, trophotropic, tropic, tropical, troubled, troublesome, troubling, troublous, trousered, truant, truculent, true, truehearted, truncate, truncated, trussed, trusted, trustful, trusting, trustworthy, trusty, truthful, trying, , ,

Adjectives Starting with TS

tsarist, tsaristic, , ,

Adjectives Starting with TU

tubal, tubby, tubed, tubeless, tubelike, tubercular, tuberculate, tuberculoid, tuberculous, tuberous, tubular, tucked, tudor, tufted, tumescent, tumid, tumultuous, tuneful, tuneless, tunisian, tuppeny, turbaned, turbid, turbinate, turbulent, turgid, turkic, turkish, turkmen, turned, tuscan, tusked, tutelar, tutelary, tutorial, tuxedoed, , ,

Adjectives Starting with TW

twee, tweedy, twelfth, twelve, twentieth, twenty, twiggy, twiglike, twilight, twilit, twilled, twin, twinkling, twinkly, twinned, twinning, twisted, twisting, twisty, two, twofold, twopenny, twoscore, , ,

Adjectives Starting with TY

tympanic, tympanitic, typic, typical, typographic, typographical, tyrannic, tyrannical, tyrannous, tyrolean, tyrolese, , ,

This is the list of adjectives starting with T, all these T adjectives can be used for your class work or home work. If you like this list please do share it with your friends.

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