Amazing Synonyms & Another Word for Amazing

Below are some of the commonly used synonyms for amazing and you can use any of the word for amazing from the list below:

Commonly Used Synonyms for the Word Amazing

astonishing, sensational, remarkable, surprising, startling, stunning, shocking, breathtaking, awesome, extraordinary, incredible, unbelievable; wonderful, marvellous; thrilling, exciting;

Some More Words for Amazing

astounding, awe-inspiring, bewildering, perplexing, confounding, dismaying, disconcerting, shattering; spectacular, staggering, stupendous, stupefying, phenomenal, prodigious, jaw-dropping.

Sentences for Amazing Synonym & Other Words

  • 1. You are looking amazing in this dress.
  • 2. Behavior of the class was awesome during the parents day function.
  • 3. The basketball match was really thrilling till the end.
  • 4. It was a breathtaking scene of several boats sailing in the river.

  • Bear in mind that the wonderful things you learn in your schools are the work of many generations. All this is put in your hands as your inheritance in order that you may receive it, honor it, add to it, and one day faithfully hand it on to your children.
    I have no extraordinary ability. I'm simply an inquisitive individual. ~Albert Einstein

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    About The Synonyms Page

    Synonyms are the words with similar meanings as of the main word. You will often need another word for amazing that have similar meaning for your writing assignments or while speaking. We have tried to add maximum number of synonyms for the words. The best way to memorize or remember them is to make as many sentences as you can of the amazing synonyms word. This will help you in having the full grasp over the word and its similar meanings.

    Since this page is human edited and compiled by common people so the chances of error and mistakes are always there. If you find any mistake or want to add new words, then please do contact us and we will happily add it on our website. Consider it as a help and great service to the humanity.

    We are sure enough that this synonyms page will prove to be extremely helpful and beneficial to you. Good Luck