Synonyms For Fast

Below are some of the commonly used synonyms for false:

fake, fraudulent, counterfeit, spurious, untrue, unfounded, erroneous,

deceptive, groundless, fallacious, inaccurate, improper, specious,

incorrect, mistaken, untrue, wrong, deceptive, deceiving, fallacious, misleading

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You must have gone through the synonyms of fast now the best way to use them is to make a few sentences of each word that is having similar meanings as of the word. This will help you to increase your vocabulary and you will be able to speak and write better English. We are in the process of developing this useful synonyms resource for you so that you can easily find the words with similar meanings. If you do not find any word that you require, simply inform us so that we can add it on this dictionary as it will surely help other people who need it.

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