Adjectives That Start With O
List of adjectives that start with O for students and teachers for use in class work or home work.
Adjectives That Start With OA
oafish, oaken, oaten,
Adjectives That Start With OB
, obdurate, obedient, obese, objectionable, objective, oblanceolate, oblate, obligate, obligated, obligational, obligatory, obliged, obliging, oblique, obliterable, obliterate, obliterated, oblivious, oblong, obnoxious, obovate, obscene, obscure, obsequious, observable, observant, observational, observed, observing, obsessed, obsessional, obsessive, obsolescent, obsolete, obstetric, obstetrical, obstinate, obstreperous, obstructed, obstructive, obtainable, obtrusive, obtuse, obviating, obvious, , ,
Adjectives That Start With OC
occasional, occidental, occipital, occluded, occlusive, occult, occupational, occupied, occurrent, oceangoing, oceanic, ocellated, ocher, ochre, octagonal, octal, octangular, octogenarian, octosyllabic, octuple, ocular, , ,
Adjectives That Start With OD
odd, oddish, odious, odoriferous, odorless, odorous, odourless, , , Starting with OE, oecumenic, oecumenical, , ,
Adjectives That Start With OF
off, offbeat, offenceless, offended, offending, offenseless, offensive, offhand, offhanded, official, officious, offish, offshore, offside, offsides, offstage, , ,
Starting with OH, OI
ohmic, oiled, oily
Adjectives That Start With OK
ok, okay, , , Starting with OL, old, olden, older, oldish, oldline, oleaceous, oleaginous, oleophilic, oleophobic, olfactive, olfactory, oligarchic, oligarchical, olive, olivelike, olympian, olympic, , ,
Adjectives That Start With OM
omani, ominous, omissible, omissive, omnibus, omnidirectional, omnifarious, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, omnivorous, , ,
Adjectives That Start With ON
on, oncologic, oncological, oncoming, one, oneiric, onerous, onetime, ongoing, online, only, onomastic, onomatopoeic, onomatopoeical, onomatopoetic, onshore, onside, onstage, ontogenetic, ontological, onymous, , ,
Starting with OO
oozing, oozy,
Adjectives That Start With OP
opalescent, opaline, opaque, open, opencast, opencut, opened, openhanded, openhearted, opening, openmouthed, operable, operant, operatic, operating, operational, operationalist, operative, operculate, operculated, operose, ophthalmic, opinionated, opinionative, opisthognathous, opponent, opportune, opportunist, opportunistic, opposable, opposed, opposing, opposite, oppositive, oppressed, oppressive, opprobrious, optative, optic, optical, optimal, optimistic, optimum, optional, opulent, , ,
Adjectives That Start With OR
oracular, oral, orange, orangish, oratorical, orbicular, orbiculate, orbital, orbitual, orchestral, orchestrated, ordained, ordered, orderly, ordinal, ordinary, organic, organicistic, organisational, organised, organismal, organismic, organizational, organized, orgiastic, oriental, orientated, orientating, oriented, orienting, original, originative, ornamental, ornate, ornery, ornithological, oropharyngeal, orotund, orphaned, orphic, orthodontic, orthodox, orthogonal, orthographic, orthomolecular, orthopaedic, orthopedic, orthopedical, orthoptic, orthostatic, orthotropous, orwellian, , ,
Adjectives That Start With OS
oscillating, oscillatory, oscine, oscitant, osmotic, osseous, ossicular, ossiculate, ossiferous, ossified, osteal, ostensible, ostensive, ostentatious, , ,
Adjectives Starting with OT
otc, other, otherwise, otherworldly, otic, otiose, ototoxic, ottoman, , ,
Adjectives Starting with OU
out, outback, outboard, outbound, outbred, outcast, outcaste, outclassed, outdated, outdoor, outdoorsy, outer, outermost, outfitted, outflowing, outgoing, outlandish, outlaw, outlawed, outlined, outlying, outmoded, outmost, outraged, outrageous, outre, outrigged, outright, outside, outsize, outsized, outspoken, outspread, outstanding, outstretched, outward, , ,
Adjectives Starting with OV
oval, ovarian, ovate, over, overabundant, overactive, overage, overaged, overall, overambitious, overanxious, overarm, overawed, overbearing, overblown, overbold, overburdened, overbusy, overcareful, overcast, overcautious, overconfident, overcredulous, overcritical, overcurious, overdelicate, overdone, overdressed, overdue, overeager, overemotional, overenthusiastic, overexcited, overfamiliar, overfed, overflowing, overfond, overfull, overgenerous, overgreedy, overgrown, overhand, overhanded, overhasty, overhead, overheated, overindulgent, overjealous, overjoyed, overladen,
overland, overlarge, overloaded, overlooked, overlooking, overlying, overmodest, overmuch, overnice, overnight, overpowering, overpriced, overprotective, overproud, overreaching, overrefined, overriding, overripe, oversea, overseas, oversensitive, overserious, oversewn, oversexed, overshot, oversize, oversized, oversolicitous, overstated, overstrung, overstuffed, oversubscribed, oversuspicious, overt, overturned, overvaliant, overweening, overweight, overwhelming, overwrought, overzealous, oviform, ovine, oviparous, ovoid, ovoviviparous, ovular, , ,
Adjectives Starting with OW
owing, owlish, own, owned, ownerless, , ,
Adjectives Starting with OX
oxalic, oxidative, oxidised, oxidizable, oxidized, oxonian,
This is the list of adjectives starting with O, all these O adjectives can be used for your class work or home work. If you like this list please do share it with your friends.