Adjectives That Start With P

Adjectives Starting with P

List of adjectives that start with P for students and teachers for use in class work or home work.

Adjectives That Start With PA

pachydermal, pachydermatous, pachydermic, pachydermous, pacific, pacifist, pacifistic, packable, packaged, packed, padded, paederastic, paediatric, pagan, paid, pained, painful, painless, painstaking, paintable, painted, painterly, paired, pakistani, palaeolithic, palaeontological, palatable, palatal, palatalised, palatalized, palatial, palatine, palatoglossal, pale, paleoanthropological, paleocortical, paleolithic, paleontological, paleozoic, palestinian, palingenetic, palish, palladian, palliative, pallid, pally, palmar, palmate, palmatifid, palmlike, palmy, palpable, palpatory, palpebrate, palpitant, palpitating, palsied, paltry, pampering, panamanian, pancreatic, pandemic, pandurate, panduriform, panegyric, panegyrical, paneled, panhellenic, panicked, panicky, panicled,

 paniculate, panoplied, panoptic, panoptical, panoramic, pantalooned, pantheist, pantheistic, pantropic, pantropical, papal, paperback, paperbacked, paperlike, papery, papillary, papillate, papilliform, papillose, papist, papistic, papistical, pappose, papuan, parabolic, parabolical, paraboloidal, paradigmatic, paradisaic, paradisaical, paradisal, paradisiac, paradisiacal, paradoxical, paraguayan, parallel, paralytic, paralytical, paralyzed, paramagnetic, paramedical, parametric, paramilitary, paramount, paranasal, paranoid, paranormal, paraphrastic, paraplegic, parapsychological, parasitic, parasitical, parasiticidal, parasympathetic, parasympathomimetic, parched, pardonable, parental, parented, parenteral, parenthetic, parenthetical, parentless, pareve, parheliacal,

 parhelic, parietal, paripinnate, parisian, parked, parky, parliamentary, parlous, parochial, paroicous, parotid, parous, paroxysmal, parrotlike, parsimonious, parted, parthenogenetic, parthian, partial, partible, participating, participatory, participial, particolored, particoloured, particular, particularised, particularistic, particularized, particulate, partisan, partitive, partizan, parturient, parve, parvenu, parvenue, paschal, pass, passable, passant, passe, passee, passerine, passing, passionate,

 passionless, passive, past, pasted, pastel, pastelike, pasteurian, pasteurised, pasteurized, pastoral, pasty, pat, patched, patchy, patellar, patelliform, patent, patented, paternal, paternalistic, pathetic, pathless, pathogenic, pathologic, pathological, patient, patriarchal, patriarchic, patricentric, patrician, patrilineal, patrilinear, patrimonial, patriotic, patristic, patristical, patronised, patronising, patronized, patronizing, patronless, patronymic, patterned, pauline, paunchy, paved, pavlovian, pawky, payable, paying,

Adjectives That Start With PE

peaceable, peaceful, peacekeeping, peachy, peaked, peaky, peanut, pearlescent, pearly, peaty, pebbly, peccable, peccant, peckish, pectic, pectinate, pectineal, pectoral, peculiar, pecuniary, pedagogic, pedagogical, pedal, pedantic, pedate, pederastic, pedestrian, pediatric, pedigree, pedigreed, pedunculate, peeled, peerless, peeved, peevish, pejorative, pelagic, pelecypod, pelecypodous, pellucid, peloponnesian, peltate, pelvic, pemphigous, penal, penciled, pencilled, pendant, pendent, pending, pendulous, penetrable, penetrating, penetrative, penial, penile, peninsular, penitent, penitential, penitentiary, pennate, penniless, pensionable, pensive, pent, pentagonal, pentamerous, pentangular, pentasyllabic, pentatonic, pentavalent, pentecostal, penultimate, penumbral, penurious, peopled, peppery, peppy, peptic, perambulating, perceivable, perceived, perceptible, perceptive, perceptual, percipient, percussive,

 percutaneous, perdurable, peregrine, peremptory, perennial, perfect, perfected, perfectible, perfervid, perfidious, perfoliate, perforate, perforated, perfumed, perfunctory, perianal, pericardiac, pericardial, perigonal, perilous, perinasal, perinatal, perineal, periodic, periodical, periodontal, periodontic, peripatetic, peripheral, periphrastic, peripteral, perirhinal, perishable, peristylar, perithelial, peritoneal, peritrichous, periwigged, perky, permanent, permeable, permeant, permeating, permeative, permed, permissible, permissive, permutable, pernicious, pernickety, peroneal, perpendicular, perpetual, perplexed,

 perplexing, persevering, persian, persistent, persisting, persnickety, personable, personal, personalised, personalized, perspicacious, perspicuous, persuadable, persuasible, persuasive, pert, pertinacious, pertinent, perturbed, perturbing, peruked, peruvian, pervasive, perverse, perversive, perverted, pervious, pesky, pessimal, pessimistic, pessimum, pestered, pestering, pestiferous, pestilent, pestilential, pet, petaled, petalled, petalless, petallike, petaloid, petalous, petite, petitionary, petrifying, petrous, petticoated, pettish, petty, petulant,

Adjectives That Start With PH

phagocytic, phalangeal, phallic, phantasmagoric, phantasmagorical, phantasmal, phantom, pharaonic, pharisaic, pharisaical, pharmaceutic, pharmaceutical, pharmacologic, pharmacological, pharyngeal, phenomenal, phenotypic, phenotypical, philanthropic, philatelic, philatelical, philharmonic, philhellene, philhellenic, philippine, philistine, philological, philosophic, philosophical, phlegmatic, phlegmatical, phlegmy, phobic, phocine, phoenician, phonemic, phonetic, phoney, phonic, phonogramic, phonologic, phonological, phony, phosphorescent, phosphoric, phosphorous, photic, photochemical, photoconductive, photoelectric, photoelectrical, photoemissive, photogenic, photographic, photomechanical, photometric, photometrical, photosensitive, photosynthetic, photovoltaic, phrasal, phreatic, phrenetic, phrenic, phrenological, phyletic, phylliform, phyllodial, phylogenetic, physical, physicochemical, physiologic, physiological, physiotherapeutic, phytophagic, phytophagous, phytophilous,

Adjectives That Start With PI

piagetian, pianissimo, pianistic, piano, picaresque, picayune, pickled, picky, pictographic, pictorial, pictural, pictured, picturesque, piddling, piebald, piecemeal, pied, pierced, piercing, pietistic, pietistical, piezoelectric, piffling, piggish, piggy, pigheaded, pilar, pilary, pillaged, pillared, pilose, pilosebaceous, pilotless, pilous, pimpled, pimply, pinchbeck, pinched, pineal, pinioned, pink, pinkish, pinnate, pinnated, pinnatifid, pinnatisect, pinstriped, pious, piquant, piratical, piscatorial, piscatory, piscine, piscivorous, pissed, pistillate, pitched, pitchy, piteous, pithy, pitiable, pitiful, pitiless, pitted, pituitary, pivotal, pixilated, pizzicato,

Adjectives That Start With PL

placable, placating, placative, placatory, placeable, placed, placental, placid, placoid, plagiarised, plagiaristic, plagiarized, plagioclastic, plaguey, plaguy, plain, plainspoken, plaintive, planar, planate, plane, planetal, planetary, plangent, planktonic, planless, planned, planoconcave, planoconvex, planographic, plantal, plantar, planted, plantigrade, plastered, plastic, platelike, platitudinal, platitudinous, platonic, platonistic, platyrhine, platyrhinian, platyrrhine, platyrrhinian, platyrrhinic, plausible, plausive, playable, played, playful, pleading, pleasant, pleased, pleasing, pleasurable, plebeian, pledged, plenary, plenteous, plentiful, pleochroic, pleomorphic, pleonastic, plethoric, pleural, pleurocarpous, pliable, pliant, plodding, plotted, ploughed, plowed, plucked, plucky, plugged, plumaged, plumate, plumb, plumbable, plumbaginaceous, plumbic, plumbous, plumed, plumelike, plumlike, plummy, plumose, plump, plumping, plumy, plundered, plundering, pluperfect, plural, pluralistic, plus, plush, plushy, plutocratic, plutocratical, plutonian, plutonic, , ,

Adjectives That Start With PN

pneumatic, pneumococcal, pneumogastric, pneumonic,

Adjectives That Start With PO

poached, pocked, pocketable, pockmarked, podgy, podlike, poetic, poetical, poignant, poikilothermic, poikilothermous, pointed, pointillist, pointillistic, pointless, poised, poisonous, pokey, poky, polar, polarographic, polemic, polemical, polemoniaceous, polish, polished, polite, politic, political, polluted, pollyannaish, poltroon, polyandrous, polyatomic, polychromatic, polychrome, polychromic, polycrystalline, polydactyl, polydactylous, polyestrous, polygamous, polygenic, polyglot, polygonal, polygynous, polyhedral, polymeric, polymorphemic, polymorphic, polymorphous, polynesian, polynomial, polyoestrous, polyoicous, polypetalous, polyphase, polyphonic, polyphonous, polyploid, polysemantic, polysemous, polysyllabic, polysynthetic, polytheistic, polytonal, polyunsaturated, polyvalent, pomaded, pompous, ponderable, pondering, ponderous, pontifical, poor, poorly, pop, popeyed, popish, popliteal,

 popular, populated, populous, porcine, poriferous, porose, porous, porphyritic, port, portable, portentous, porticoed, portly, portrayed, portuguese, posed, posh, positionable, positional, positioning, positive, positivist, positivistic, possessed, possessive, possible, postal, postbiblical, postdiluvian, postdoctoral, posted, posterior, postexilic, postganglionic, postglacial, postgraduate, posthumous, postictal, postindustrial, postmenopausal, postmeridian, postmillennial, postmodern, postmodernist, postmortal, postmortem, postnatal, postnuptial, postoperative, postpaid, postpartum, postpositive, postprandial, postulational, postural, postwar, potable, potbellied, potbound, potent, potential, potholed, potted, potty, pouched, pouchlike, pouring, powdered, powdery, powered, powerful, powerless, , ,

Adjectives That Start With PR

practicable, practical, practiced, practised, praetorial, praetorian, pragmatic, pragmatical, praiseful, praiseworthy, praising, prakritic, prandial, prankish, prayerful, preachy, preadolescent, preanal, precancerous, precarious, precast, precative, precatory, precautional, precautionary, precedent, precedented, precedential, preceding, precious, precipitant, precipitate, precipitating, precipitous, precise, preclinical, preclusive, precocial, precocious, precognitive, preconceived, preconcerted, preconditioned, precooked, precooled, precordial, precursory, predaceous, predacious, predatory, predestinarian, predestinate, predestined, predetermined, predicative, predictable, predictive, predigested, predisposed, predominant, predominate, preeminent, preemptive, preexistent, preexisting, prefab, prefaded, prefatorial, prefatory, prefectural, preferable, preferent, preferential, preferred, prefigurative,

 prefrontal, pregnant, prehensile, prehistoric, prehistorical, prejudiced, prejudicial, prejudicious, prelapsarian, preliminary, preliterate, premarital, premature, premedical, premeditated, premenopausal, premenstrual, premier, premiere, premium, premonitory, prenatal, prenominal, prenuptial, preoccupied, preoperative, prepackaged, prepacked, prepaid, preparative, preparatory, prepared, preponderant, preponderating, prepositional, prepossessing, preposterous, preprandial, prepubertal, prepubescent, prepupal, prerecorded, prerequisite, presbyopic, prescient, prescribed, prescription, prescriptive, present, presentable, presentational, preservable, preservative, preserved, preset, presidential, presocratic, pressed, pressing, pressor, prestigious, prestissimo, presto, presumable, presumptive, presumptuous, presymptomatic, preteen, pretend, pretended, pretentious, preternatural, pretorial, pretorian, pretty, prevailing, prevalent, prevenient, preventable, preventative, preventive, previous, prewar, priapic, priceless, pricey, prickly, pricy, prideful, priestlike, priestly, priggish, prim, prima, primaeval, primal, primary, prime, primed, primeval, primiparous, primitive, primo, primordial, princely, principal,

 principled, printable, prior, prismatic, prisonlike, prissy, pristine, private, privileged, privy, prize, prizewinning, pro, proactive, probabilistic, probable, probationary, probative, probatory, probing, problematic, problematical, procaryotic, procedural, processed, processional, proclaimed, proconsular, procreative, procrustean, procumbent, procurable, prodigal, prodigious, prodromal, prodromic, productive, profanatory, profane, profaned, professed, professional, professorial, proficient, profitable, profitless, profligate, profound, profuse, progestational, prognathic, prognathous, prognostic, prognosticative, progressive, prohibited, prohibitive, prohibitory, proinflammatory, projected, projectile, projecting, prokaryotic, prolate, proletarian, prolific, prolix, prolonged, prolusory, prominent, promiscuous, promising, promissory, promotional, promotive, prompt, promulgated, prone, pronged, prongy,

 pronominal, pronounceable, pronounced, proof, proofed, propaedeutic, propagandist, propagandistic, propagative, propellant, propellent, propelling, proper, propertied, propertyless, prophetic, prophetical, prophylactic, propitiative, propitiatory, propitious, proportionable, proportional, proportionate, proprietary, proprioceptive, propulsive, prosaic, proscribed, prosodic, prospective, prospering, prosperous, prospicient, prostate, prostatic, prosthetic, prosthodontic, prostrate, prostyle, prosy, protanopic, protean, protected, protecting, protective, proteinaceous, proteolytic, proterozoic, protestant, proto, protogeometric, prototypal, prototypic, prototypical, protozoal, protozoan, protozoic, protozoological, protracted, protractible, protractile, protruding, protrusible, protrusile, protrusive, protuberant, proud, proustian, provable, proved, proven, provencal, proverbial, provident, providential, provincial, provisional, provisionary, provisory, provocative, provoked, provoking, prox, proximal, proximate, proximo, prudent, prudential, prudish, prurient, prussian, prying,

Adjectives That Start With PS

pseudo, pseudohermaphrodite, pseudohermaphroditic, pseudonymous, pseudoperipteral, pseudoprostyle, pseudoscientific, psychedelic, psychiatric, psychiatrical, psychic, psychical, psychoactive, psychoanalytic, psychoanalytical, psychogenetic, psychogenic, psychokinetic, psycholinguistic, psychological, psychometric, psychomotor, psychoneurotic, psychopathic, psychopathologic, psychopathological, psychopharmacological, psychosexual, psychosomatic, psychotherapeutic, psychotic, psychotropic,

Adjectives That Start With PT

pteridological, ptolemaic,

Adjectives Starting with PU

pubertal, puberulent, pubescent, pubic, public, publicised, publicized, publishable, published, pucka, puckish, puddingheaded, pudendal, pudgy, puerile, puerperal, puff, puffed, puffy, pugilistic, pugnacious, puissant, pukka, pulchritudinous, pulmonary, pulmonic, pulpy, pulseless, pulverised, pulverized, pumped, punctilious, punctual, puncturable, punctured, punctureless, pungent, punic, punishable, punished, punishing, punitive, punitory, punk, puny, pupal, pupillary, puppyish, puppylike, puranic, purblind, purchasable, pure, pureblood, pureblooded, purebred, purgative, purgatorial, purging, purifying, puritanic, puritanical, purple, purplish, purposeful, purposeless, purposive, pursuant, pursued, pursuing, pursy, purulent, pushful, pushy, pusillanimous, pustulate, putative, putdownable, putrefacient, putrefactive, putrefiable, putrescent, putrescible, putrid, puzzled, puzzling,

Adjectives Starting with PY

pyaemic, pycnotic, pyemic, pyknic, pyknotic, pyloric, pyogenic, pyramidal, pyramidic, pyramidical, pyrectic, pyretic, pyrochemical, pyroelectric, pyroelectrical, pyrogallic, pyrogenetic, pyrogenic, pyrogenous, pyrographic, pyroligneous, pyrolignic, pyrolytic, pyrotechnic, pyrotechnical, pyrrhic, pythagorean.

This is the list of adjectives starting with P, all these P adjectives can be used for your class work or home work. If you like this list please do share it with your friends.

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