Adjectives That Start With R
List of adjectives that start with R for students and teachers for use in class work or home work.
Adjectives That Start With RA
rabbinic, rabbinical, rabelaisian, rabid, racemose, rachitic, racial, racist, rackety, racking, racy, raddled, radial, radiant, radiate, radiating, radical, radio, radioactive, radiographic, radiological, radiolucent, radiopaque, radiophonic, radiosensitive, radiotelephonic, raffish, raftered, ragged, raging, raiding, raimentless, raining, rainless, rainproof, rainy, raisable, raiseable, raised, raising, rakish, rallentando, rallying, ramate, rambling, rambunctious, ramose,
ramous, rampageous, rampant, ramshackle, rancid, rancorous, random, randomised, randomized, randy, ranging, rangy, rank, ranked, ranking, ransacked, ransomed, rapacious, raped, rapid, rapt, raptorial, rapturous, rare, rarefied, rarified, raring, rascally, rash, rasping, raspy, rastafarian, ratable, rateable, ratified, ratiocinative, rational, rationalist, rationalistic, rationed, ratlike, rattlebrained, rattled, rattlepated, rattling, ratty, raucous, raunchy, ravaged, ravaging, ravening, ravenous, ravishing, raw, rawboned, rayless, razed, razorback, , ,
Adjectives That Start With RE
reachable, reactionary, reactionist, reactive, readable, ready, real, realised, realistic, realizable, realized, reanimated, rear, rearing, rearmost, rearward, reasonable, reasoned, reasoning, reasonless, reassured, reassuring, rebarbative, rebellious, reborn, recalcitrant, receding, receivable, received, recent, receptive, recessed, recessional, recessionary, recessive, rechargeable, recherche, reciprocal, reciprocative, reciprocatory, reckless, reclaimable, reclaimed, recluse, reclusive, recognisable, recognised, recognizable, recognized, recoilless, recollective, recombinant, reconcilable, reconciled, reconciling, recondite, reconstructed, reconstructive, recorded, recoverable, recovered, recovering, recreant, recreational, recriminative, recriminatory, recrudescent, rectal,
rectangular, rectifiable, rectified, rectilineal, rectilinear, rectosigmoid, recumbent, recuperative, recurrent, recurring, recursive, recurvate, recurved, recusant, recyclable, red, redbrick, reddened, reddish, redeemable, redeemed, redeeming, redemptional, redemptive, redemptory, redheaded, redistributed, redolent, redoubled, redoubtable, reduced, reducible, reductionist, reductive, redundant, redux, reechoing, reedlike, reedy, reefy, reeking, reentrant, referable, referenced, referent, referential, refined, reflected, reflecting, reflective, reflex, reflexed, reflexive, reformable, reformative, reformatory, reformed, reformist, refractile, refractive, refractory, refreshed, refreshful, refreshing, refrigerant, refrigerated, refrigerating, refulgent, refutable, regal, regardant, regardful, regardless, regenerate, regenerating, regent, regimental, regimented, regional, registered, regnant, regressive, regretful, regrettable,
regular, regulated, regulation, regulative, regulatory, rehabilitative, reigning, reincarnate, reinforced, reinvigorated, reiterative, rejected, rejective, rejoicing, related, relational, relative, relativistic, relaxant, relaxed, relaxing, releasing, relentless, relevant, reliable, reliant, relieved, religious, relinquished, relocated, reluctant, remaining, remarkable, rembrandtesque, remediable, remedial, remindful, reminiscent, remiss, remittent, remorseful, remorseless, remote, removable, removed, remunerated, remunerative, renal, renascent, rending, renegade, renewable, renewed, renewing, reniform, renowned, rentable, rental, renunciant, renunciative, reorganised, reorganized, repand, reparable, repayable, repeatable, repeated, repellant, repellent, repelling, repentant, repetitious, repetitive, replaceable, replete, reportable, reported, reposeful, reprehensible, representable, representational, representative, represented,
repressed, repressing, repressive, reproachful, reprobate, reproducible, reproductive, reproving, reptilian, republican, repudiative, repugnant, repulsive, reputable, requested, required, requisite, rescindable, rescued, resentful, reserved, resettled, resident, residential, residual, residuary, resilient, resinated, resinlike, resinous, resiny, resistant, resistible, resistive, resistless, resolute, resolvable, resolved, resonant, resonating, resounding, resourceful, resourceless, respectable, respected, respectful, respective, respiratory, resplendent, respondent, responsible, responsive, rested, restful, restive, restless, restorative, restrained, restricted, restricting, restrictive, resultant, resupine, resurgent, resuscitated, retained, retaliative, retaliatory, retarded, retentive,
reticent, reticular, reticulate, retinal, retired, retiring, retractable, retracted, retractile, retral, retributive, retributory, retrievable, retro, retroactive, retroflex, retroflexed, retrograde, retrogressive, retrorse, retrospective, retrousse, returnable, returning, reusable, revealing, revelatory, revenant, revengeful, reverberant, reverberating, reverberative, revered, reverend, reverent, reverential, reverse, reversed, reversible, reversionary, reversive, revertible, reverting, revised, revitalised, revitalising, revitalized, revitalizing, revivalistic, revived, reviving, revocable, revokable, revolting, revolutionary, revolved, rewardful, rewarding, , ,
Adjectives That Start With RH
rhapsodic, rhenish, rheologic, rheological, rhetorical, rheumatic, rheumatoid, rheumy, rhinal, rhizoidal, rhizomatous, rhodesian, rhombic, rhombohedral, rhomboid, rhomboidal, rhymed, rhymeless, rhyming, rhythmic, rhythmical, , ,
Adjectives That Start With RI
riant, ribald, ribbed, ribbonlike, ribbony, ribless, riblike, rich, rickettsial, rickety, riddled, ridged, ridiculous, riemannian, rife, rifled, rigged, right, righteous, rightful, rightish, rightist, rightmost, rigid, rigorous, riled, rimed, rimeless, riming, rimless, rimmed, rimose, rimy, ringed, ringleted, ringlike, riotous, riparian, ripe, ripened, ripped, ripping, rippled, risen, risible, rising, riskless, risky, risque, ritardando, ritenuto, ritual, ritualistic, ritzy, rivalrous, riveting, , ,
Adjectives That Start With RO
roadless, roan, roaring, roast, roasted, robed, robotic, robotlike, robust, robustious, rockbound, rocklike, rocky, rococo, rodlike, roentgenographic, roguish, roiled, roiling, roily, rolled, rollicking, rolling, romaic, roman, romance, romani, romanian, romanic, romanist, romansh, romantic, romanticist, romanticistic, romany, romish, roofed, roofless, roomy, rooseveltian, rootbound, rooted, rootless, ropey, ropy, rosaceous, rose, roseate, rosicrucian, rostrate, rosy, rotary, rotatable, rotated, rotational, rotatory, rotted, rotten, rotund, rouged, rough, roughdried, roughened, roughhewn, roughish, roughshod, roumanian, round, roundabout, rounded, roundheaded, roundish, rousing, rousseauan, routine, roving, rowdy, royal, , ,
Adjectives Starting with RU
ruandan, rubber, rubberlike, rubbery, rubbishy, rubicund, ruby, rudderless, ruddy, rude, rudimentary, rueful, ruffianly, ruffled, rugged, rugose, ruined, ruinous, ruled, ruling, ruly, rum, rumanian, rumansh, rumbling, rumbustious, ruminant, ruminative, rummy, rumpled, runaway, runcinate, runic, running, runny, runproof, runty, rupestral, rupicolous, rural, ruritanian, rush, rushed, rushlike, rushy, russet, russian, rust, rusted, rustic, rustless, rustling, rustproof, rustproofed, rusty, ruthful, ruthless, rutted, ruttish, rutty, , ,
Adjectives Starting with RW
This is the list of adjectives starting with R, all these R adjectives can be used for your class work or home work. If you like this list please do share it with your friends.