Adjectives That Start With S
List of adjectives that start with S for students and teachers for use in class work or home work.
Adjectives That Start With SA
sabahan, sabbatarian, sabbatic, sabbatical, sabertoothed, sabine, sable, saccadic, saccharine, sacculate, sacculated, sacerdotal, sacked, saclike, sacral, sacramental, sacred, sacrificeable, sacrificial, sacrilegious, sacrosanct, sad, saddled, sadducean, sadistic, sadomasochistic, safe, sagacious, sage, sagging, sagittal, sagittate, sagittiform, saharan, said, sainted, saintlike, saintly, salable, salacious, salamandriform, salaried, saleable, salient, salientian, saliferous, saline, salivary, sallow, salmon, salt, salted, saltish, saltlike, salty, salubrious, salutary, salvadoran, salvadorean, salvageable, salverform, salvific, salving, same, samoan, sanative, sanctified, sanctimonious, sanctionative, sanctioned, sanctioning, sandaled, sandalled, sandlike, sandpapery, sandy, sane,
sanguinary, sanguine, sanguineous, sanious, sanitary, sanitised, sanitized, sapid, sapiens, sapient, sapiential, sapless, saponaceous, saponified, saporous, sapphic, sapphire, sapphirine, sappy, saprobic, saprophagous, saprophytic, saprozoic, sarawakian, sarcastic, sarcoid, sarcolemmal, sarcolemmic, sarcolemnous, sarcosomal, sardinian, sardonic, sartorial, sassy, satanic, satellite, satiable, satiate, satiated, satiny, satiric, satirical, satisfactory, satisfiable, satisfied, satisfying, saturated, saturnine, satyric, satyrical, saucy, saudi, saurian, saute, sauteed, savage, saved, saving, savorless, savory, savourless, savoury, saxatile, saxicoline, saxicolous, saxon, , ,
Adjectives That Start With SC
scabby, scabrous, scalable, scalar, scaled, scaleless, scalelike, scalene, scaley, scalic, scalloped, scaly, scandalmongering, scandalous, scandent, scandinavian, scant, scanty, scaphoid, scapose, scapular, scapulohumeral, scarce, scarecrowish, scared, scarlet, scarred, scary, scathing, scatological, scatterbrained, scattered, scattershot, scatty, scenic, scented, scentless, sceptered, sceptical, sceptred, scheduled, schematic, scheming, schismatic, schismatical, schizoid, schizophrenic, schmaltzy, schmalzy, scholarly, scholastic, schoolboyish, schoolgirlish, schoolwide, sciatic, scientific, scintillant, scintillating, sciolistic, sclerosed, sclerotic, scopal, scorbutic, scorched, scorching, scoreless, scorned, scornful, scotch, scotomatous, scots, scottish, scoundrelly, scoured, scowling, scrabbly, scraggly, scraggy, scrambled, scrappy, scratchy, scrawny, screaky, screaming, screechy, screwball, screwy, scrimpy, scrimy, scripted, scriptural, scrivened, scrofulous, scrotal, scrub, scrubbed, scrubby, scruffy, scrumptious, scrupulous, sculpted, sculptural, sculptured, sculpturesque, scummy, scurfy, scurrilous, scurrying, scurvy, scythian, , ,
Adjectives That Start With SE
seaborne, seafaring, seagirt, seagoing, sealed, seamanlike, seamanly, seamed, seamless, seamy, sear, searching, seared, searing, seasick, seasonable, seasonal, seasoned, seated, seaward, seaworthy, sebaceous, sec, secluded, second, secondary, secondhand, secret, secretarial, secretive, secretory, sectarian, sectional, sectioned, sectorial, secular, secure, sedate, sedative, sedentary, sedgelike, sedgy, sedimentary, seditious, seductive, sedulous, seeable, seeded, seedless, seedy, seeing, seeming, seemly, seeping, seething, segmental, segmented, segregated, seismal, seismic, seismologic, seismological, select, selected, selective, self, selfish, selfless, selfsame, seljuk, sellable, semantic, semestral, semestrial, semiabstract, semiannual,
semiaquatic, semiarid, semiautobiographical, semiautomatic, semicentenary, semicentennial, semicircular, semicomatose, semiconducting, semiconductive, semiconscious, semidark, semidetached, semiempirical, semiformal, semihard, semiliquid, semiliterate, semilunar, semimonthly, seminal, seminiferous, seminude, semiofficial, semiopaque, semiotic, semiotical, semiparasitic, semipermanent, semipermeable, semipolitical, semiprecious, semiprivate, semipublic, semirigid, semiskilled, semisoft, semisolid, semisweet, semisynthetic, semite, semiterrestrial, semitic, semitransparent, semitropic, semitropical, semiweekly, sempiternal, senatorial, senecan, senegalese, senescent, senile, senior, sensate, sensational, sensationalistic, sensed, senseless, sensible, sensitised, sensitising, sensitive, sensitized, sensitizing, sensorial, sensorimotor, sensorineural, sensory, sensual, sensuous, sent, sentential,
sententious, sentient, sentimental, sepaline, sepaloid, separable, separate, separated, separatist, separative, septal, septate, septic, septicemic, septrional, septuple, sepulchral, sequent, sequential, sequestered, sequined, seraphic, seraphical, serbian, sere, serendipitous, serene, serflike, serial, sericeous, sericultural, seriocomic, seriocomical, serious, serologic, serological, serous, serpentine, serrate, serrated, serried, serrulate, serviceable, servile, servo, servomechanical, sesquipedalian, sessile, set, setaceous, setose, settled, seven, sevenfold, seventeen, seventeenth, seventh, seventieth, seventy, severable, several, severe, severed, sewed, sewn, sexagenarian, sexagesimal, sexed, sexist, sexless, sextuple, sexual, sexy, seychellois, , ,
Adjectives That Start With SH
shabby, shackled, shaded, shadowed, shadowy, shady, shagged, shaggy, shakable, shakeable, shakedown, shaken, shakespearean, shakespearian, shaky, shallow, sham, shamanist, shamanistic, shambolic, shamed, shamefaced, shameful, shameless, shaped, shapeless, shapely, shaping, shared, sharing, sharp, sharpened, shattered, shattering, shatterproof, shaved, shaven, shavian, sheared, sheathed, shed, sheeny, sheepish, sheeplike, sheer, sheetlike, shelflike, shelfy, shelled, shellproof, sheltered, shelvy, shielded, shifting, shiftless, shifty, shimmery, shingly, shining, shinto, shintoist, shintoistic, shiny, shipboard, shipshape, shirty, shivering, shivery, shoaly, shockable, shocked, shocking, shod, shodden, shoddy, shoed, shoeless, shona, shopsoiled, shopworn, shoreward, shorn, short, shortened, shorthand, shortish, shortsighted, shot, shouldered, shouted, showery, showy, shredded, shrewd, shrewish, shrieked, shrill, shrimpy, shrinkable, shriveled, shrivelled, shrubby, shrunken, shuddering, shuddery, shuha, shut, shuttered, shy, , ,
Adjectives That Start With SI
siamese, siberian, sibilant, sibyllic, sibylline, sicilian, sick, sickening, sickish, sickly, side, sidearm, sidelong, sidereal, sidesplitting, sideways, sighted, sightless, sightly, sigmoid, sigmoidal, sign, signal, signed, significant, significative, sikh, silenced, silent, siliceous, silicious, silken, silklike, silky, silly, silty, silvan, silver, silverish, silvern, silvery, simian, similar, simple, simplex, simplistic, simulated, simultaneous, sincere, sinewy, sinful, singable, singaporean, singhalese, singing, single, singsong, singular, sinhala, sinhalese, sinister, sinistral, sinistrorsal, sinistrorse, sinitic, sinkable, sinless, sinning, sintered, sinuate, sinuous, sinusoidal, siouan, sissified, sissy, sissyish, sisterlike, sisterly, sisyphean, sitting, situated, six, sixfold, sixpenny, sixteen, sixteenth, sixth, sixtieth, sixty, sizable, size, sizeable, sized, sizzling, , ,
Adjectives That Start With SK
skanky, skeletal, skeptical, sketchy, skew, skewed, skilful, skilled, skillful, skim, skimmed, skimpy, skinless, skinned, skinnerian, skinny, skint, skintight, skirting, skittish, skyward, , ,
Adjectives That Start With SL
slack, slain, slaked, slanderous, slangy, slanted, slanting, slapdash, slaphappy, slapstick, slashed, slashing, slatey, slatternly, slaty, slaughterous, slav, slaveholding, slaveless, slavelike, slavic, slavish, slavonic, sleazy, sleek, sleeping, sleepless, sleepy, sleepyheaded, sleety, sleeved, sleeveless, slender, sliced, slick, slicked, sliding, slight, slighting, slim, slimed, slimy, slippered, slippery, slipping, slippy, slipshod, slithering, slithery, slivery, sloped, sloping, slopped, sloppy, sloshed, slothful, slouchy, sloughy, slovakian, slovenian, slovenly, slow, slowgoing, slubbed, sluggish, sluicing, slumberous, slumbery, slumbrous, slummy, slurred, slushy, sly, , ,
Adjectives Starting with SM
small, smaller, smallish, smarmy, smart, smashed, smashing, smelling, smelly, smiling, smitten, smoggy, smoked, smokeless, smoking, smoky, smoldering, smooth, smoothbore, smoothed, smoothened, smothered, smothering, smouldering, smudgy, smug, smuggled, smutty, , , Starting with SN, snafu, snakelike, snaky, snappish, snappy, snarky, snarled, snarly, snazzy, sneak, sneaking, sneaky, sneering, sneezy, snide, sniffly, sniffy, snobbish, snobby, snoopy, snooty, snorty, snotty, snowbound, snowy, snub, snuff, snuffling, snuffly, snug, snuggled, , ,
Adjectives Starting with SO
soaked, soapy, soaring, sober, sobering, sobersided, sociable, social, socialised, socialist, socialistic, socialized, societal, sociobiologic, sociobiological, sociocultural, socioeconomic, sociolinguistic, sociological, sociopathic, socratic, sodden, sodding, soft, softened, softening, softheaded, softhearted, softish, soggy, soigne, soignee, soiled, solanaceous, solar, sold, soldierlike, soldierly, sole, soled, soleless, solemn, solicitous, solid, solidified, solitary, solo, solomonic, soluble, solvable, solved, solvent, somali, somalian, somatic, somatogenetic, somatogenic, somatosensory, somber, sombre, some, sometime, somniferous, somnific, somnolent, sonant, songful, songlike, sonic, sonorous, sonsie, sonsy, soothing, sooty, sophistic, sophistical,
sophisticated, sophomore, soporiferous, soporific, soppy, sopranino, soprano, sorbed, sorbefacient, sorcerous, sordid, sore, sororal, sorrel, sorrowful, sorrowing, sorry, sorted, soteriological, sotho, sottish, soughing, sought, soulful, soulless, sound, soundable, sounding, soundless, soundproof, soupy, sour, soured, sourish, soused, south, southbound, southeast, southeasterly, southeastern, southeastward, southerly, southern, southernmost, southmost, southward, southwest, southwesterly, southwestern, southwestward, sovereign, soviet, sown, sozzled, , ,
Adjectives Starting with SP
spaced, spacey, spacial, spaciotemporal, spacious, spacy, spangled, spangly, spanish, spanking, spare, sparing, sparkling, sparkly, sparse, spartan, spasmodic, spastic, spatial, spatiotemporal, spattered, spatulate, spavined, spayed, speakable, speaking, special, specialised, specialistic, specialized, specifiable, specific, specified, specious, specked, speckled, speckless, spectacled, spectacular, spectral, spectrographic, spectrometric, spectroscopic, spectroscopical, specular, speculative, speechless, speedy, spellbinding, spellbound, spendable, spendthrift, spent, spermatic, spermicidal, spermous, spheric, spherical, spheroidal, sphingine, spic, spicate, spick, spicy, spiderlike, spiderly, spidery, spiffing, spiffy, spiked, spikelike, spiky, spinal, spindly,
spineless, spinnable, spinnbar, spinose, spinous, spiny, spiral, spiraling, spirant, spirited, spiritless, spiritous, spiritual, spiritualist, spiritualistic, spirituous, spiteful, splanchnic, splashed, splashy, splattered, splay, splayfoot, splayfooted, splendid, splendiferous, splenetic, splenic, splinterless, splinterproof, splintery, split, splitting, splotched, spoilable, spoiled, spoilt, spoken, spondaic, spongelike, spongy, spontaneous, spooky, sporadic, sporogenous, sporting, sportive, sportsmanlike, sporty, spotless, spotted, spotty, spousal, spouting, sprawling, sprawly, spread, sprigged, sprightly, springless, springlike, springy, sprouted, spruce, spry, spumy, spunky, spurious, spurned, spurting, , ,
Adjectives Starting with SQ
squab, squabby, squalid, squalling, squally, squamulose, squandered, square, squared, squarish, squashed, squashy, squat, squatty, squawky, squeaking, squeaky, squealing, squeamish, squeezable, squelched, squiffy, squiggly, squinched, squint, squinting, squinty, squirting, squishy, , ,
Adjectives Starting with ST
stabbing, stabile, stabilised, stabilising, stabilized, stabilizing, stable, staccato, stacked, staged, stagey, stagflationary, staggering, stagnant, stagy, staid, stainable, stained, stainless, stale, stalemated, stalinist, stalked, stalkless, stalwart, staminate, standard, standardised, standardized, standby, standing, standoffish, standpat, stannic, stannous, staphylococcal, staple, star, starboard, starchless, starchlike, starchy, staring, stark, starkers, starless, starlike, starlit, starred, starring, starry, starting, startled, startling, starved, starving, statant, stated, stateless, stately, statesmanlike, statesmanly, statewide, static, stationary, statistical, stative, statuary, statuesque, statute, statutory, staunch, steadfast, steadied, steady, steadying, stealthy, steamed,
steaming, steamy, stearic, steely, steep, steepish, steerable, stellar, stellate, stemless, stemmatic, stemmed, stenographic, stenographical, stenosed, stenotic, stentorian, stepwise, stereo, stereophonic, stereoscopic, stereotyped, stereotypic, stereotypical, sterile, sterilised, sterilized, sterling, stern, sternal, sternutative, sternutatory, steroidal, stertorous, stewed, sticking, sticky, stiff, stifled, stifling, stigmatic, still, stillborn, stilly, stilted, stimulant, stimulated, stimulating, stimulative, stinging, stingless, stingy, stinking, stinky, stinting, stipendiary, stippled, stipulatory, stirred, stirring, stitched, stochastic, stock, stocked, stockinged, stocky, stodgy, stoic, stoical, stoichiometric, stolid, stoloniferous, stomachal, stomachic, stomatal, stomatous, stone, stoned, stoneless, stonelike, stony, stonyhearted, stooped, stooping, stoppable, stopped, stoppered, storeyed, storied, stormbound, stormproof, stormy, stout,
stouthearted, stovepiped, straggling, straggly, straight, straightarrow, straightaway, straightforward, straightlaced, strained, straining, strait, straitlaced, stranded, strange, strangled, strapless, straplike, strapping, strategic, strategical, stratified, stravinskian, stravinskyan, straw, stray, straying, streaked, streaky, streaming, streamlined, streetwise, strengthened, strenuous, strep, streptococcal, streptococcic, stressed, stressful, stretch, stretchable, stretched, stretchy, striate, stricken, strict, strident, strikebound, striking, stringent, stringy, striped, stripped, stripy, strong, stroppy, struck, structural, structured, struggling, strung, stubbled, stubbly, stubborn, stubby, stuck, studded, studied, studious, stuffed, stuffy, stumpy, stung, stunned, stunning, stunted, stupefied, stupefying, stupendous, stupid, stuporous, sturdy, stygian, styleless, stylised, stylish, stylistic, stylized, styptic, , ,
Adjectives Starting with SU
suasible, suave, subacid, subacute, subalpine, subaltern, subaquatic, subaqueous, subarctic, subartesian, subatomic, subclavian, subclinical, subconscious, subcortical, subcutaneous, subduable, subdued, subdural, subfusc, subgross, subhuman, subjacent, subject, subjective, subjugable, subjugated, subjunctive, sublimate, sublimated, sublime, sublimed, subliminal, sublingual, subliterary, sublittoral, sublunar, sublunary, submarine, submerged, submergible, submersed, submersible, submissive, subnormal, subocean, suboceanic, subocular, suborbital, subordinate, subordinating, subordinative, subscribed, subscript, subsequent, subservient, subsidiary, subsidised, subsidized, subsonic, substandard, substantial, substantiating, substantiative,
substantival, substantive, substitutable, substitute, subsurface, subterminal, subterranean, subterraneous, subtle, subtractive, subtropic, subtropical, suburban, suburbanised, suburbanized, subversive, succeeding, successful, successive, succinct, succinic, succulent, such, suchlike, suckled, suctorial, sudanese, sudden, sudorific, sudsy, suety, sufferable, suffering, sufficient, suffocating, suffocative, suffrutescent, suffusive, sufi, sugared, sugarless, sugary, suggestible, suggestive, suicidal, suitable, suited, sulcate, sulfuretted, sulfuric, sulfurized, sulfurous, sulky, sullen, sulphuretted, sulphuric, sulphurous, sultry, sumatran, sumerian, summary, summational, summative, summery, sumptuary, sumptuous, sunbaked, sunburned, sunburnt, sundried, sundry, sunk,
sunken, sunless, sunlit, sunny, sunrise, sunset, sunstruck, suntanned, super, superable, superabundant, superannuated, superb, supercharged, supercilious, supercritical, supererogatory, superfatted, superficial, superfine, superfluous, superhuman, superimposed, superincumbent, superior, superjacent, superlative, superlunar, superlunary, supernal, supernatant, supernatural, supernaturalist, supernaturalistic, supernormal, supernumerary, superordinate, superpatriotic, superposable, supersaturated, superscript, supersensitised, supersensitive, supersensitized, supersonic, superstitious, supervised, supervisory, supine, supperless, supple, supplemental, supplementary, suppliant, supplicant, supplicatory, supportable, supported, supporting, supportive,
supposable, supposed, suppositional, suppositious, supposititious, suppressed, suppressive, suppurative, supranational, supranormal, supraocular, supraorbital, suprasegmental, supreme, surd, sure, surefooted, surface, surficial, surgical, surging, surly, surmisable, surmountable, surmounted, surpassing, surpliced, surplus, surprised, surprising, surreal, surrealistic, surreptitious, surrogate, surrounded, surrounding, surviving, susceptible, suspect, suspected, suspended, suspenseful, suspensive, suspicious, sustainable, sustained, sustentacular, susurrant, susurrous, , ,
Adjectives Starting with SV
svelte, , ,
Adjectives Starting with SW
swagger, swaggering, swampy, swank, swanky, swart, swarthy, swashbuckling, swayback, swaybacked, swazi, swedish, sweeping, sweet, sweetened, sweetheart, sweetish, swell, swelled, sweltering, sweltry, swept, sweptback, sweptwing, swift, swimming, swingeing, swinging, swingy, swinish, swish, swishy, swiss, swollen, swooning, swordlike, sworn, , ,
Adjectives Starting with SY
sybaritic, sycophantic, syllabic, syllabled, syllogistic, sylphic, sylphlike, sylvan, symbiotic, symbolic, symbolical, symmetric, symmetrical, sympathetic, sympathomimetic, sympatric, sympetalous, symphonic, symphonious, symptomatic, symptomless, synaesthetic, synaptic, syncarpous, syncategorematic, synchronal, synchronic, synchronised, synchronized, synchronous, synclinal, syncopated, syncretic, syncretical, syncretistic, syncretistical, syndetic, synecdochic, synecdochical, synergetic, synergistic, synesthetic, synoecious, synoicous, synonymous, synoptic, synoptical, synovial, synsemantic, syntactic, syntactical, syntagmatic, synthetic, synthetical, syphilitic, syrian, syrupy, systematic, systemic, systolic.
This is the list of adjectives starting with S, all these S adjectives can be used for your class work or home work. If you like this list please do share it with your friends.